How to start a YouTube channel?

 How to start a YouTube channel?

In the time of social media, everybody tries to be an influencer that influences many lives. There are so many social media stars who are earning from this platform. Here are some tips for making this happen for you

1.                            This is the time

Yes, this is the time every person who want to start a YouTube channel but put it on a hold because of some reason just do it right now. Because if you are not but many people are doing this very second so stop thinking start recording. Free yourself from all the hesitation and just start recording and go with the flow. Discover what you are good at.

2.                          how it works

At first, you may be suck but it’s fine because it was your first time. That feeling that you finally start what you want to do. You have to start somewhere. And you need to start your youtube channel. After sometime when you watch your first video you will realize it sucks. Just upload it you don’t have to publish it.

3.                          Planning

Without planning you can’t run a channel like you should know what you want to achieve as a YouTuber and also think it what your viewer’s going it be like. You have to think like a viewer like if you are watching your content what you are gaining from it. You should be clear about your audience what age people or gender. Be aware of your viewer’s.

And, what is new or different in your content. There are so many channels on how your content is different from others. You need to upload content every day or weekly and on a specific time. Know your viewer’s when they want to watch YouTube. And upload a small glimpse of your content.

1.                         Made it large

Firstly you should understand that you are new in this platform your viewer’s gonna judge you on your content. Don’t forget it that they have many videos like this but if they are watching your content it should be engaging enough. After a time when you have satisfying followers who love you, then you can show them whatever you wish for.

2.                          Sound

A must-have for a YouTuber is the right audio equipment. Because a bad sound is worse than a bad video. Nowadays most of the people use earphones so bad audio is a big NO. So if you are capable of getting a dedicated microphone for your camera.

3.                        decide your worth

When you are clear about your thoughts and got all your answers. Then you decide your worth try and explain yourself to your audience. For that, you should make your tag line that one line can explain yourself.  Short but deep.

 For example, your tag line is ‘two twins learning ’ this line itself explains everything for your channel. we simplify it in three words.

4.                         Make a formula and template for your videos

Contact needs structure, next time when you make a video, think about your show formula, something can be used as a template for future content. Starting off the video, I'll give a hint about what you can expect from the video. After that, we will give a grand intro, attach with information for new visitors, and subscriptions and come back to the content. Finish video with where we start it from or don’t lose the content. This formula thing will take some time but it will work for your channel.

5.                 Understand Analytics

Firstly Understand Analytics because it will help you with more viewer’s. It will show how interesting your titles or thumbnail are. Whatever your click-through rate is just kept improving it. It will increase your views.

Secondly, understand watch time. If you want your content to be promoted by youtube you should get more watch time. Shorter or longer doesn’t matter. I watch time is 60 or 70%, you are doing good. And also it assures you of that you can try longer videos.

6.                 Editing

Editing is a thing that enhances the video and makes it more interesting. So when you edit a video make it worth watching. Sometimes the video becomes boring because there are no patterns. In the video, you are just talking with no sound effects and music.


             After all this hard work when you get results as you viewer’s love for your content you get it all. You have to be                     constant on it. In short You can start your youtube channel. In the top all guidance are available.




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