Had Social Media Corrupted The Youth of Today

 Had Social Media Corrupted The Youth of Today

All coins have two sides. It is for an individual to decide if any platform on social media is good or bad. Just take any social media platform, and you cannot say those good or bad elements are absent. Both are existing, and it is for us to absorb the good and leave the wrong stuff. When we come to the youth,  there are inclinations that somebody gets attracted to something that is not good, so we should use social media platforms under proper guidance. 

Social Media Is Corrupting The Minds Of Young People

Healthy living is essential and needs to be guaranteed; it helps keep young people's minds excited and alert. Most people on social media sites seldom break a sweat, consume a salad, or even recall about typing anything other than a Lol and emoji. While conversation among our youth is necessary for social communication, many of the teens today are negatively affected by social networking sites. Some people think of social networking sites as an advantageous way to stay in touch with colleagues and loved ones. Social Networking sites are to be blamed because they should do more to engage young people's productivity.


Cyberbullying has always been associated with grief, stress, social isolation, and suicide. It is more dangerous when compared to regular forms of bullying. A larger audience can observe cyberbullying while the perpetrator can continue to be anonymous, and the victim will find it hard to escape. Many social media platforms have addressed this issue, but many victims don't seek support from the bullying prevention hub. Many youths feel that social media platforms are not doing enough to prevent cyberbullying.

Effects of Technology

People from all over the world depend on technology for their success. The use of technology is rapidly increasing in the young kids and the youth. They would rather send a text message to a friend instead of meeting in person. Technology affects the human brain to lack interest in social skills and hobbies. Technology is corrupting our lives, as many people have lost attention and are limited to a phrase.

According to a study in England, 13 to 16-year teens using social media more than thrice a day are predicted with poor mental health. They have also found that high-level usage of social media has shown depression and anxiety symptoms. Social media has also influenced the way people socialize and interact with each other. Youth spending plenty of time on social media are at more significant risk for panic attacks, low self-esteem, and eating disorders and prone to isolation and disconnection.

How Does Media Affect The Youth

Overexposure to the media can affect diet, social communication, desire, and passionate development. In some instances, media use can also guide to different addictions, such as an obsession with social networking, gaming, or gambling. Spending lots of time on social media isn't just a bad attitude; it can have serious outcomes. Brain scans of social media addicts are comparable to those of drug dependents. There is a remarkable change in the brain regions that control emotions, attention, and decision making.

School students are very immature, and their minds are in the developing stage. They cannot differentiate the good and the evil. They can get distracted or influenced easily. It could lead to biased, prejudiced opinions about people or issues that they hardly know about—social media's restricting kids from going outdoors to have real-life interactions. They interfere with sleep and increase anxiety and depression. They can also expose the youth to sexual content.


Social media is a powerful medium, and it has to be under parental guidance for the right purposes. It isn't easy to maintain because these media are available over smartphones. The only possible way is to educate the youth about its pros and cons and make better use of the media.


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