Social media trolls and how they harm your online brand reputation

 Social media trolling can have adverse effects on both you and your brand. Find out who these social media trolls are and how they pose a threat to your brand's reputation online.

Social media is a widely used and valuable marketing tool today for all businesses, big and small. There is an endless list of how one can boost their brand's standing in the market through social media. But, just like the real world, the online world is not free of immorality, and trolling is a prominent example of it. Online trolling not only harms individuals and their mental health, but a troll directed towards a business or a brand can severely damage their stature, which in the worst-case scenario, may even become immutable. 

What is a social media troll?

A social media troll is someone who intentionally posts offensive, controversial, and infuriating comments or posts on social media to trigger a response from other users online. The intent of their comments is solely focused on ruining the reputation of the matter at hand, be it a person or a brand, by enraging other users' emotions. 

How does it affect your brand's image?

A troll can negatively impact how people perceive your brand and services. They give rise to doubts and insecurities, taking away the focus from the initial motives one might have had. The trolls often try to incite personal emotions and hope for direct involvement from their target, creating a false image of a brand as they engage.

They don’t just post defamatory content on social media handles but also on blogs and websites, which affect your brand’s search engine rankings significantly. Most of the search engine’s algorithms are built in a manner that ranks such matters at the top of search results whenever anyone puts in your company's name.

Why do trolls exist?

There are a ton of reason why someone would damage a brand's standing, a few of which include – 

Attention – is one of the leading reasons why someone would troll. They see it as a quick and cheap way to gain publicity. For, e.g., if someone is using Instagram to troll, they most likely wish to gather Instagram views. And often, when they succeed in convincing, their Instagram followers and Instagram likes see a sudden lift too. 

Damage – competing brands and individuals who hold a grudge of any sort or are merely jealous use trolling as a means to seek revenge. They precisely know the damage trolling can cause and execute a well-strategized plan.

Distraction – trolls are a great tool to divert the attention of the public from the prime issue. They blur the subject at hand and try to gather negative responses. It is not essentially individuals trolling on personal grudges or for fun; many brands pay for trolls on their competitors as a part of their business tactics as well.

Medical condition – According to the studies, about 5% of the total trolls suffer from personality disorders, narcissism, psychopathy, etc. 

How to protect your brand from such trolls?

It is easy to give in to your anger while tackling the trolls, but it does you more harm than good. And generally, it is the exact response the trolls expect. So what do we do? 

Ignore – think calmly, try to figure out your troll's motives, and only react to them when essential. If you feel like they are not worth replying to, they most definitely are not. There is a limit to their actions, and if there is no truth or sanity in what they say, they won’t be able to make a big issue without your involvement. Don’t invest your energy in them and watch as they die out.

Humor – if you feel there’s a need to respond to the troll, make sure you find a fitting reply. Humor is one of the best ways to teach them a lesson without actually ruining your image. 

Block/Ban – instead of dragging the issue too far, it’s best that you directly block them out. You can also report the trolls to the authorities and let them tackle the situation instead of creating a fuss for yourself.

Precautions – there is no better way than not providing them with an issue to target. Monitor your activities and build a brand on core values like loyalty, trust, and behavior so no troll can easily manipulate your image.

Sort it out – get in direct touch with the troll and ask them the reason for trolling. If the person has issues with your services or brand, try to sort them out. If they are a dissatisfied customer, talk and resolve their queries.


Online trolling exists on every platform, and there is no end to it. The best you can do is prevent and reduce the damage by keeping a constant lookout for such people and make a strong base for your brands with constant efforts.


  1. Reputacion online is the reflection of the prestige or esteem of a person or brand on the Internet. This is especially important on the Internet, where it is very easy and cheap to pour information and opinions through mechanisms such as forums, blogs, or social networks.


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