
Showing posts from January, 2021

Social media trolls and how they harm your online brand reputation

  Social media trolling can have adverse effects on both you and your brand. Find out who these social media trolls are and how they pose a threat to your brand's reputation online. Social media is a widely used and valuable marketing tool today for all businesses, big and small. There is an endless list of how one can boost their brand's standing in the market through social media. But, just like the real world, the online world is not free of immorality, and trolling is a prominent example of it. Online trolling not only harms individuals and their mental health, but a troll directed towards a business or a brand can severely damage their stature, which in the worst-case scenario, may even become immutable.  What is a social media troll? A social media troll is someone who intentionally posts offensive, controversial, and infuriating comments or posts on social media to trigger a response from other users online. The intent of their comments is solely focused on ruining the r

Had Social Media Corrupted The Youth of Today

  Had Social Media Corrupted The Youth of Today All coins have two sides. It is for an individual to decide if any platform on social media is good or bad. Just take any social media platform, and you cannot say those good or bad elements are absent. Both are existing, and it is for us to absorb the good and leave the wrong stuff. When we come to the youth,  there are inclinations that somebody gets attracted to something that is not good, so we should use social media platforms under proper guidance.  Social Media Is Corrupting The Minds Of Young People Healthy living is essential and needs to be guaranteed; it helps keep young people's minds excited and alert. Most people on social media sites seldom break a sweat, consume a salad, or even recall about typing anything other than a Lol and emoji. While conversation among our youth is necessary for social communication, many of the teens today are negatively affected by social networking sites. Some people think of social networki